Section: New Results


Privacy in location-based services

With the advent of GPS-equipped devices, a massive amount of location data is being collected, raising the issue of the privacy risks incurred by the individuals whose movements are recorded. In [17] , we focus on a specific inference attack called the de-anonymization attack, by which an adversary tries to infer the identity of a particular individual behind a set of mobility traces. More specifically, we propose an implementation of this attack based on a mobility model called Mobility Markov Chain (MMC). A MMC is built out from the mobility traces observed during the training phase and is used to perform the attack during the testing phase. We design several distance metrics quantifying the closeness between two MMCs and combine these distances to build de-anonymizers that can re-identify users in an anonymized geolocated dataset. Experiments conducted on real datasets demonstrate that the attack is both accurate and resilient to sanitization mechanisms such as downsampling.

One example of a location-based services is dynamic carpooling (also known as instant or ad-hoc ridesharing), which is a service that arranges one-time shared rides on very short notice. This type of carpooling generally makes use of three recent technological advances: (i) navigation devices to determine a route and arrange the shared ride; (ii) smartphones for a traveller to request a ride from wherever she happens to be; and (iii) social networks to establish trust between drivers and passengers. However, the mobiquitous environment in which dynamic carpooling is expected to operate raises several privacy issues. Among all the personal identifiable information, learning the location of an individual is one of the greatest threats against her privacy. For instance, the spatio-temporal data of an individual can be used to infer the location of her home and workplace, to trace her movements and habits, to learn information about her centre of interests or even to detect a change from her usual behavior. Therefore, preserving location privacy is a major issue to be able to leverage the possibilities offered by dynamic carpooling. In a joint work with researchers from LAAS-CNRS [16] , we have propose to follow the privacy-by-design approach by integrating the privacy aspect in the design of dynamic carpooling, henceforth increasing its public (and political) acceptability and trust.

A secure location-based service requires that a mobile user certifies his position before gaining access to a resource. Currently, most of the existing solutions addressing this issue assume a trusted third party that can vouch for the position claimed by a user. However, as computation and communication capacities become ubiquitous with the large scale adoption of smartphones by individuals, these resources can be leverage on to solve this issue in a collaborative and private manner. More precisely together with researchers from LAAS-CNRS, we introduce PROPS, for Privacy-Preserving lOcation Proof System, which allows users to generate proofs of location in a private and distributed way using neighboring nodes as witnesses [35] . PROPS provides security properties such as unforgeability and non-transferability of the proofs, as well as resistance to classical localization attacks.

One of the fundamental building block to construct a location proof system such as PROPS is a distance-bounding protocol. More precisely, in distance-bounding authentication protocols a verifier assesses that a prover is (1) legitimate and (2) in the verifier's proximity. Proximity checking is done by running time-critical exchanges between both parties. This enables the verifier to detect relay attacks (also called mafia fraud). While most distance-bounding protocols offer resistance to mafia, distance, and impersonation attacks, only few protect the privacy of the authenticating prover. One exception is the protocol due to Hermans, Peeters, and Onete, which offers prover untraceability with respect to a Man-in-the-Middle adversary. However in this protocol as well as in all other distance-bounding protocols, any legitimate verifier can identify, and thus track, the prover. In order to counter the threats of possible corruption or data leakage from verifiers, together with Jean-Marc Robert (ETS, Montréal) we propose a distance-bounding protocol providing strong prover privacy with respect to the verifier and deniability with respect to a centralized back-end server managing prover creation and revocation [33] . In particular, we first formalize the notion of prover anonymity, which guarantees that even verifiers cannot trace provers, and deniability, which allows provers to deny that they were authenticated by a verifier. Finally, we prove that our protocol achieves these strong guarantees.

A particular class of relay attacks against distance-bounding protocols is called terrorist fraud in which a distant malicious prover colludes with an attacker located in a verier's proximity when authenticating. Existing distance-bounding protocols resisting such attacks are designed to be lightweight and thus symmetric, relying on a secret shared by the prover and the verifier. Recently, several asymmetric distance-bounding protocols were proposed by Gambs, Onete and Robert as well as by Hermans, Peter and Onete, but they fail to thwart terrorist fraud. One earlier asymmetric protocol aiming to be terrorist-fraud resistant is the DBPK-Log protocol due to Bussard and Bagga, which was unfortunately recently proven to achieve neither distance- nor terrorist-fraud resistance. In this work, we build on some ideas of the DBPK-Log scheme and propose a novel distance-bounding protocol resistant to terrorist fraud that does not require the pre-existence of a shared secret between the prover and the verifier [32] . Our construction, denoted as VSSDB (for Verifiable Secret Sharing and Distance-Bounding Protocol) relies on a veriable secret sharing scheme and on the concept of modes, which we introduce as a novel element to complement fast-round challenges in order to improve security. We prove that VSSDB achieves terrorist-fraud resistance in a relaxed security model called KeyTF-security, which we also present in this paper.

Equity in privacy-enhanced social networks

In [46] , we have examined a novel issue in the field of policy conflict resolution, and applied it to privacy policy management in distributed social networking systems. We accepted as a starting point that in a privacy-enhanced social network, when a user publishes a document (e.g., a picture), any user referenced in this document (e.g., people tagged in pictures) should be entitled to issue a privacy policy over this document. In this case, when a given user tries to access a given document, multiple users may issue multiple access control decisions (or rulings), possibly resulting in a normative conflict. Quite a number of strategies are available for the resolution of such conflicts, the most common one being the “deny strategy”, allowing any ruling denying access to the resource to take precedence over others. This is usually considered a “secure” way of dealing with access control. However, with this strategy as with many others, it is possible for a user to design her policy in a way that systematically prevents other users from interacting in a normal way, while allowing herself to potentially benefit from other people's more flexible policies. This may leads to unfair situations, in which some users take advantage of the systems while others' experience is damaged. This is particularly an issue in social networking applications, in which information sharing is a core feature and access restrictions, while necessary to protect intimacy, can sometimes be considered aggressive.

To address this particular trade-off between privacy and usability, we have introduced the notion of equity in such scenarios, a situation being equitable when all involved users have seen their policy enforced or violated in the same proportion over past interactions. We have designed a conflict resolution algorithm aimed at improving this equity in our social networking scenario, and evaluated its impact by measuring Gini coefficients (an indicator commonly used by economists to measure the distribution of wealth in a population) over the distribution of enforcement proportions in the population of users. With respect to this criterion, it actually proved more efficient than other strategies. Following these positive results, we have recently taken steps towards a formalization and generalization of this intuitive concept of equity and the design of systematic tools to evaluate and compare the impact of any conflict resolution strategy over various possible flavors of the notion.

Private mobile services

The development of NFC-enabled smartphones has paved the way to new applications such as mobile payment (m-payment) and mobile ticketing (m-ticketing). However, often the privacy of users of such services is either not taken into account or based on simple pseudonyms, which does not offer strong privacy properties such as the unlinkability of transactions and minimal information leakage. In [48] , [15] , we introduce a lightweight privacy-preserving contactless transport service that uses the SIM card as a secure element. Our implementation of this service uses a group signature protocol in which costly cryptographic operations are delegated to the mobile phone. We have also conducted an interdisciplinary study with researchers from social sciences to analyze the media coverage in the modern public space on the topic of privacy with respect to mobile technologies [29] . Despite the difficulties highlighted by these studies, we argue that research efforts should support the emergence of mobile services that respect users' privacy as well as the development of a digital culture of privacy.

Architectures for privacy

In the current architecture of the Internet, there is a strong asymmetry in terms of power between the entities that gather and process personal data (e.g., major Internet companies, telecom operators, cloud providers, ...) and the individuals from which this personal data is issued. In particular, individuals have no choice but to blindly trust that these entities will respect their privacy and protect their personal data. In a position paper [34] in a collaboration with researchers from the Université de Montréal and Aarhus University, we propose an utopian crypto-democracy model based on existing scientific achievements from the field of cryptography. More precisely, our main objective is to show that cryptographic primitives, including in particular secure multiparty computation, offer a practical solution to protect privacy while minimizing the trust assumptions. In the crypto-democracy envisioned, individuals do not have to trust a single physical entity with their personal data but rather their data is distributed among several institutions. Together these institutions form a virtual entity called the Trustworthy that is responsible for the storage of this data but which can also compute on it (provided first that all the institutions agree on this). Finally, we also propose a realistic proof-of-concept of the Trustworthy, in which the roles of institutions are played by universities. This proof-of-concept would have an important impact in demonstrating the possibilities offered by the crypto-democracy paradigm.

Active fingerprinting schemes were originally invented to deter malicious users from illegally releasing an item, such as a movie or an image. To achieve this, each time an item is released, a different fingerprint is embedded in it. If the fingerprint is created from an anti-collusion code, the fingerprinting scheme can trace colluding buyers who forge fake copies of the item using their own legitimate copies. Charpentier, Fontaine, Furon and Cox were the first to propose an asymmetric fingerprinting scheme based on Tardos codes, the most efficient anti-collusion codes known to this day. However, their work focuses on security but does not preserve the privacy of buyers. To address this issue, we introduce the first privacy-preserving asymmetric fingerprinting protocol based on Tardos codes [30] . This protocol is optimal with respect traitor tracing. We also formally define the properties of correctness, anti-framing, traitor tracing, as well as buyer- and item-unlinkability. Finally, we prove that our protocol achieves these properties and give exact bounds for each of them.

Privacy and web services

We have proposed [61] a new model of security policy based for a first part on our previous works in information flow policy and for a second part on a model of Myers and Liskov. This new model of information flow serves web services security and allows a user to precisely define where its own sensitive pieces of data are allowed to flow through the definition of an information flow policy. A novel feature of such policy is that they can be dynamically updated, which is fundamental in the context of web services that allow the dynamic discovery of services. We have also presented an implementation of this model in a web services orchestration in BPEL (Business Process Execution Language).

Privacy-preserving ad-hoc routing

Last year, we have proposed NoName, a privacy-preserving ad-hoc routing protocol. Based on trapdoor, virtual switching and partially disjoint multipaths using Bloom filter, NoName ensures the anonymity of the source, of the destination and of intermediate nodes. It also ensures unlinkability between source and message and between destination and message. Since then, we have demonstrated that colluding attackers analyzing Bloom filters can locate the origin node of routes requests messages. Thus, Noname, like ARMR, another privacy-preserving ad-hoc routing protocol using also Bloom filter, do not prevent the localization of the source. We have developed a cryptographic primitive called fuzzy cryptographic Bloom filter that offers the same functions as Bloom filters (in our case, preventing routing loops) while preventing localization of the source of route request messages.